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A Cut Above: Which Dermablading Tool is Right for You?

Before you start buying Bic in bulk, let us help you weigh the pros and cons of the most popular dermablading tools. When you think of lady-shaving, your face may not be the first part of the body that comes to mind, but the benefits of facial hair removal have convinced women from Marilyn Monroe to Real Housewives to take a razor to their faces. Unlike regular face shaving, this process uses a single sharp blade to scrape away dead skin cells and peach fuzz, revealing a brighter complexion. Dermablading can also help clear acne and acne scars, so we’re totally on board. Traditionally performed by estheticians using a scalpel, there are now much less scary options you can use at home. But before you get started, thoroughly cleansing with LUNA mini 3 is an important first step to ensure a smooth start.
For the Big Spender: Dermaflash
Dermaflash is the French press of dermablading--it looks more complicated than it really is. This sleek and futuristic-looking wand actually vibrates while in use, to boost the exfoliating benefits of dermablading. It’s rechargeable and comes with 6 single-use blades and mini pre-/post- treatments. What you’re really paying for here is the convenience of not having to think about your technique.
Upside: Just turn it on and brush it across your face in light strokes.
Downside: You still have to keep buying replacement edges; major bummer for the environment and your wallet.
For Babes on a Budget: Shiseido Facial Razors
For 1% of the price, you can pick up a few packs of these Japanese facial razors. While they look a lot like the popular Tinkle razor, Shiseido uses a blade specifically designed for facial hair removal. They come in fun colors and are adorably tiny, so they can maneuver easily around the eyebrows and hairline. Sadly, they’re disposable.
Upside: Won’t break the bank.
Downside: Landfills.
Taking a razor to your face sounds intimidating, but if it’s good enough for Liz Taylor, it’s good enough for us. Get your shave on, girl.
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