2 min read
Taking Care of the Planet, Taking Care of Yourself

The Truth About Toothbrushes

Brush Up Your Skincare Routine
Keeping skin healthy and clean matters. But how you wash your face can make a big difference to everything from how much waste we generate, to how much water we use. Take facial cleansing wipes: although undeniably convenient, their disposal is nothing if not problematic. Quite simply, the majority of single-use wipes should categorically not be flushed down the toilet! Despite this, on the banks of the River Thames in London earlier this year, a staggering 5,453 wipes of various types were recovered from an area roughly the size of a tennis court - precisely because people are flushing! Chucking them in the trash isn’t much better - because most are made from non-biodegradable materials, they take literally years to break down in landfill.
Tips for a Cleaner, Greener Shave
If you think cleaning up the environmental impact of your morning shave is as simple as ditching disposable razors, then you’re only partly right. It’s estimated that in the US alone, around 2 billion disposable razors get thrown away every single year. Switching to a reusable model is an easy way to minimize this waste. What that doesn’t address, however, is the tricky question of not just blades, but also the cartridges in which they’re packaged.
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