2 min read
Tips & Tricks for Contouring & Highlighting

The essentials for a great base
Let’s cover the basics. Firstly, not to prime is a crime! Prime your face if you want the makeup to look good and last long. Secondly, use good tools. You don’t have to splurge on expensive brushes but you can’t use just one brush for everything. Contouring, highlighting and bronzing deserve their own tools. Thirdly, pick the correct shades. This is key if you want your makeup to look as natural as possible. Finally, the three magic words - blend, blend, blend!
Highlighting with concealer
Find a concealer that’s a few shades lighter than your foundation. Apply it under your eyes, down the center of your nose and in the center of your chin and forehead. These are the places we want to draw attention to. If this feels like too much work, stick to the under-eye area. Highlighting under your eyes gets rid of bags or discoloration and draws attention to the center of your face.
This step is about creating shadows in the right places. Use cool tones instead of warm ones if you want chiseled looking cheekbones. Draw a number 3 shape across each side of your face. Start with your forehead and follow your hairline closely. When you reach your cheekbone go in for a couple of centimeters. Finish off the “3” shape by placing the product along your jawline.
Blending & Setting
Blending is crucial. I can’t stress this enough. You’ll look flawless If you take your time to blend everything seamlessly. Here are some important tips. The best tool for blending cream-based products is a beauty blender. Don’t forget to wet your beauty blender before you start! You don’t want your makeup to look patchy. Above all, don’t swipe, pull or drag - you have to pat everything out!
Bronze like a goddess

A dash of highlighter

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