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Incoming! UFO Sighting in Your Phone's App Store
Are you ready for a close encounter with fabulous skin? Since FOREO started shipping UFO devices across the globe, beauty fans have been raving about the results and asking about the availability of the app. Fear not glow-addicts! UFO app just launched on Google Play Store while the iTunes App Store
The 90-Second Supercharged Facial Treatment That Made Me Ditch Sheet Masks For Good
Girl Meets UFO. The latest innovation by FOREO has officially arrived, and just as the name suggests, it’s out of this world. Last week, I was the lucky MYSA writer selected to test the oh-so-sleek UFO, live and in-person. Within 90 seconds of using it, I was hooked. Your Mask is Sheet As
Five Reasons Why LUNA 2 Elevates Your Skincare Routine
Find out why your skin needs LUNA 2. The brush that started it all, there’s lots to love about FOREO’s signature facial cleanser. It’s USB rechargeable, totally travel friendly, and looks great on any bathroom counter! This wildly popular brush has a lot going on. Still on the fence? Read on
FOREO convida empresas em todo o mundo: façam produtos que durem!
FOREO acredita na importância de se criar práticas para diminuir o impacto das empresas de bens de consumo eletrônicos no nosso planeta. Notícias sobre mudanças climáticas, espécies que se tornam extintas, fim dos oceanos por pesca excessiva, poluição do planeta, e muitas outras agressões
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