4 min read

Benefits of Salicylic Acid: It Fights Acne, Removes Dead Skin Cells and More

A woman with hair wrapped in a towel, half of her face with a skincare mask

Salicylic acid is a key ingredient in many skincare products, and for good reason! This powerful compound offers a host of benefits for the skin, from reducing inflammation to fighting acne.

If you're not already using a product that contains salicylic acid, now is the time to consider adding one to your skincare routine. Here are just some of the benefits of salicylic acid.

What is salicylic acid?

There are many different kinds of exfoliating products to choose from depending on skin type. Salicylic acid is an extract from the leaves of Willows which is referred to as its chemical exfoliant beta-hydroxy acid or BHA.

Before describing the exact use of salicylic, let's refresh your knowledge of how breakout occurs when bacteria, dirt, sebum, and dead skin clog your pores. Contrary to other exfoliating chemicals called Alpha-hydrazides (AHAs), water-soluble and ideal for surface exfoliations, salicylic is oil-soluble. It cuts out oils as well as penetrates deep into pores to eliminate blockages.


Benefits of salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is one of the most potent ingredients for targeting acne — especially for blackheads and whiteheads. This powerful chemical exfoliator sinks deep into your skin to tackle these issues at their source while keeping redness at bay, paving the way for luminous, clear skin.

Great acne treatment

Salicylic acid is often used as a key ingredient in acne treatments. This is because it helps to unclog pores and remove dead skin cells, two things that can contribute to the development of acne. If you have acne-prone skin, using a product that contains salicylic acid can help to keep your skin clear. Also, if you have acne scars, using a product with salicylic acid can help to reduce their appearance.

[caption id="attachment_12574" align="aligncenter" width="801"] ESPADA is an FDA-cleared medical device clinically proven to quickly & effectively treat acne-prone skin.[/caption] Still, if those acne and pimples are too stuborn, you can always try ESPADA, the most powerful weapon that prevents acne before it even happens

Fights whiteheads

Salicylic acid targets whiteheads, which are a type of acne that forms when dead skin cells and oil become trapped in the pores. This can cause the pores to become clogged and result in the formation of whiteheads on the skin. Using a product that contains salicylic acid can help to fight whiteheads by preventing dead skin cells and oil from becoming trapped in the pores.

Removes dead skin cells

In addition to helping to unclog pores, salicylic acid also helps to remove dead skin cells. This is important because dead skin cells can contribute to the development of acne and other skin problems. By removing dead skin cells, salicylic acid can help to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.

[caption id="attachment_12573" align="aligncenter" width="800"] By removing dead skin cells, salicylic acid can help to keep your skin looking and feeling its best.[/caption]

Fights inflammation

Salicylic acid is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties. This means that it can help to reduce swelling and redness, especially if you have acne-prone skin.

In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, salicylic acid also has antimicrobial properties. This means that it can help to kill the bacteria that can cause acne. Also, salicylic acid is very gentle to your skin, even if you have sensitive skin.

Reduces sebum secretion

Salicylic acid can also help to reduce the amount of sebum that is produced by the skin. Sebum is an oily substance that can contribute to the development of acne.

Clogged pores are also one of the main causes of acne. By reducing the amount of sebum that is produced by the skin, salicylic acid can help to keep pores clear and reduce the risk of developing acne.

Soothes sunburns

Salicylic acid can also help to soothe sunburns. This is because it has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the swelling and redness associated with sunburn, which you can also treat with FOREO's UFO 2. Namely, this iconic device features full-spectrum LED lights that are going to help you after sun exposure. All you have to do is to turn UFO 2 on, choose the red light therapy, and watch high-tech work its magic.

And regading salicylic acid and sunburns, it can help to prevent peeling and blistering by keeping the skin hydrated.

[caption id="attachment_12447" align="aligncenter" width="800"] After-sun skincare is better with FOREO's UFO 2. [/caption]

Is it OK to use salicylic acid every day?

Yes, it is perfectly fine to use salicylic acid every day. In fact, many people who use this ingredient in their skincare routine find that their skin looks and feels better when they do so.

If you are new to using products containing salicylic acid, you may want to start by using them every other day. Once your skin has become accustomed to the ingredient, you can increase to using it every day.

When using products containing salicylic acid, it is important to use sunscreen. This is because this ingredient can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. If you are going to be spending time in the sun, it is important to apply sunscreen regularly and to avoid prolonged sun exposure.

Side effects of salicylic acid

When used as directed, products containing salicylic acid are typically well-tolerated. However, there are a few side effects that you should be aware of. The most common side effect of using products containing salicylic acid is skin irritation. This can include redness, dryness, and flaking.

If you experience any of these side effects, you may want to reduce the frequency with which you use products containing this ingredient. If the irritation persists, you should stop using the product altogether.

In rare cases, people may be allergic to salicylic acid. If you experience any symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Bottom line

Salicylic acid is a key ingredient in many acne treatments. This is because it helps to unclog pores, remove dead skin cells, and reduce inflammation. It is also gentle enough to use on sensitive skin.

If you are looking for a product to help treat your acne, you may want to consider one that contains salicylic acid.

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Sandra 06/06/2022

<span>I've been using the Espada for a long time. It is easy to use, very pleasant on the skin and extremely effective</span>

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nicely lu 13/06/2022

I love this kind of article – full of useful facts!

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Mona 24/06/2022

Salicylic acid would be a great addition to my skincare routine. Thank you; loved the article

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Ray watson 05/07/2022

<span>After using derma lmd anti acne serum for more than a week,my acnes have started disappearing. Also helped in reducing dark spots. Overall give it a try if u are also facing acne problem.</span>


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