2 min read
The Best Advice Your Boss Has Ever Given You

These tidbits of career wisdom will give you what you need to get ahead We spend a lot of time complaining about the negative people in our lives, but instead of staying bitter about the bad boss or two we've all inevitably been subjected to at one point or another, focus instead on the kind of people who've truly helped you to improve yourself and excel in your career or even your personal life. In an effort to emphasize the positive, we've collected the best advice we've received from bosses past and present. See if these tidbits of wisdom can't help you, too.
"Work hard, play hard, and be nice!"
Kim, Physician's Assistant
"Underpromise, overserve."
Chelsea, Writer
“Job security is not knowing you will always have your job, it's knowing if you lose your job you are talented and smart enough to get another!”
Talia, College Student
"Perfect your communication skills... How you articulate something may be more important than what you are saying."
Penny, Insurance Agent
"Smile... This job is too difficult to do without humor."
Dorian, Former Teacher Studying Law
"Do things that are outside your comfort zone. That's where your best growth happens."
Emily, PhD Student
"Be patient with your colleagues:
they can make your day wonderful or horrible."
Chiara, Founder & CEO at La Holista
"A good leader is hard-headed and soft-hearted."
Kristyn, President of Property Management
"Be flexible."
Cynthia, Mother
“Don't come with problems, come with solutions.”
Jaclyn, Hospitality Manager
"#1: No matter what the issue - never burn a bridge. Hold your tongue.
#2: It's always better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
#3: Don't talk salary with coworkers."
Jen, Finance Director
"Don't worry about other people. What matters most is you have improved from yesterday."
Alex, Credit Analyst
"If you treat your job like it is just a paycheck, you will be miserable. If you come to work every day thinking that you can learn something new, you realize that you are getting paid to improve yourself."
Holly, Recruiting Coordinator
“Always act in the interest of the brand; ignore biased comments/suggestions from people that are only looking out for themselves, because at the end of the day, only you can do your brand justice.”
Nancy, Innovation Specialist
"Tell the truth that needs to be told: Not all true things need to be said. There are many different ways to truthfully say something that must be said - pick the appropriate one.”
Christopher, Foreign Affairs Specialist
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