Luscious, envy-inducing hair stars at the root (see what we did there) with scalp care. Explore easy solutions to common issues and wrap it like Rapunzel.
Can you imagine how the lovely Rapunzel's they-lived-happily-ever-after story would have turned out if our heroine had hair thinning or hair loss? For anyone who's ever stared in horror at a hairbrush or drain featuring half of your scalp limply staring back, you know the feeling of helpless dread and the self-esteem hit accompanying hair loss.
Unlike many other treatments that rely on chemicals or invasive procedures, LED light therapy for hair loss offers a non-invasive, natural alternative that harnesses the power of light for extreme efficacy with zero side effects. It is used alone or as an addition to traditional therapies to stimulate hair follicles and encourage hair growth.
Why do we love serums in hair care, and what is the difference between a hair serum and a scalp serum? Can you use them interchangeably to complement your washing schedule and daily hair care routine? Can you combine them with new hair care technologies and devices for a boosted synergistic effect?
Doing yoga will reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and reduce heart rate. However, there are some other benefits you would not expect, such as systemic health improvement, boosted immune function, chronic pain relief, and hair growth.
Each hair follicle can produce around 20 hairs in a lifetime. With so much potential resting on the health of the follicles, it’s evident that a healthy scalp is essential for strong hair.
If hair loss has been creeping into your mane dreams, reclaiming bits of the scalp with hollow emptiness and pushing that once-assertive hairline into fading oblivion, you’re not alone! Stats show that at some point in their life, some starting as prematurely as in their early 20s, 85% of men and 33% of women will face hair loss.
Thinning to Thriving: LED Light for Intense Hair Growth at Home
If you're struggling with hair thinning or hair loss, you're not alone and have almost half of the global population in your club. According to studies, 50% of men around the world face hair loss by age 50, while 40% of women deal with hair loss issues by age 40.
LED & Laser Hair Loss Therapy vs. Traditional Methods
There is rarely such an insult to our vanity and self-image as the moment we realize we're losing our hair. 50% of women and 60% of men worldwide experience hair loss, making it a common global problem and source of endless frustration.
9 Best Dry Shampoos for Every Hair Type and Concern
Have you ever found yourself in need of a quick hair refresh or didn't have enough time to wash your hair before you left the house? Are sticky bangs giving you a hard time?
With the transition from the warm, sunny days of summer to the cooler climate of fall, it's essential to adjust our hair care routine accordingly because it is not only our wardrobe that needs a seasonal update. This adjustment is particularly important for low-porosity hair.
Looking for the Right Shampoo? Here's 9 Things to Know
Are you having trouble finding the right shampoo? Join the club! Even when you understand your hair type and the condition of your hair (such as dry ends, extra care needed after sun and the sea, etc.), finding the right solution can be a nightmare.
Choosing a new hair color or changing an existing one is not an easy decision. There are many things that must be considered in order to pick the appropriate shade.
Achieving faster hair growth has been a desire of each and every one of us at least once in our lifetime. We've all had times when we wished we had long, flowing hair like the beautiful women in movies whose hair we've always adored.
TikTok Beauty Trends Worth Keeping in Your Routine
Educational bite-sized beauty bits have found their hub in the world of TikTok. From fashion finds to DIY projects - we can now find digestible content all over the platform.
Is aging just a fact that we are getting older or is there a lot more to it? We might know the answer, but it can be different for each individual. While skin anti aging conversation is running everywhere and tips & tricks are literally around every corner, with hair aging it is different.
When it comes to hair care, there are countless opinions on the best products and methods to use. One product that has been generating a lot of discussions lately is coconut oil. Some people swear by its benefits, while others claim it does more harm than good.
5 steps to keep your hair healthy and gorgeous all summer long. Faded color, dry scalp, dandruff, split ends and frizziness are among the things our hair faces during the summer. While having fun in the sun, by the pool or at the beach, we have to make sure we protect our skin, our hair and our hea
Valentine's Day
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