2 min read

A beauty & a beast: Meet the mighty BEAR™!


Smart microcurrent facial toning has never been so cute. Aging is a beautiful, natural process. However, as we age our muscles lose their firmness and strength. That’s why the older we get, the more we need our yoga classes, pilates lessons and gym sessions. We want to keep our body in shape and our muscles as healthy and as strong as possible. But did you know that your facial muscles are going through the same thing?

The miraculous power of microcurrent


There are over 60 muscles in your face and neck that naturally lose their tone and firmness through aging. Most of those muscles rarely get a proper workout. But there’s a new facial treatment specifically designed to do just that — microcurrent! And it's creating so much buzz in the beauty world that people call it “the natural facelift”. How do microcurrent facials work? They utilize a low-grade electrical current to “train” the muscles in your face and neck. It's like facial yoga, but you get to sit back and relax, because microcurrent contours, tones, firms and lifts the muscles and the skin. The result is a healthier complexion and an incredible glow.

Spoil yourself at home


However, there’s one thing to keep in mind. Just like you can’t go to the gym once and expect incredible, long-lasting results forever, you have to have regular microcurrent treatments to maintain results. Thankfully, one of the greatest things to happen in skincare in recent years are at-home microcurrent devices. Because now you can hit the gym for your skin, anytime you like, all from the comfort of your couch.

FOREO BEAR™ is the belle of the ball

https://youtu.be/RqPqZyGV0W4 No false modesty here — our new BEAR™ collection takes microcurrent facials to the next level. And we’re beyond proud. Not only does it come with advanced microcurrent and customizable facial workouts via the FOREO For You app, it’s the only microcurrent device that features patented T-Sonic™ pulsations and the groundbreaking Anti-Shock System™ for the world’s safest, shock-free treatments. This gentle giant of facial toning delivers the most effective and the most energizing microcurrent facials ever - all while leaving your skin tighter, brighter and glowing!

Who’s afraid of the big, bold BEAR™?


We’re not the only ones raving about this incredible device. Those who had the pleasure of trying out BEAR™ and BEAR™ mini can’t suspend their enthusiasm either. Sara Wu from Glamour magazine couldn’t believe her cheekbones after just one week while Adele, Amelia and Shazrina from Nylon couldn’t get over their radiant, glowy, firm and contoured skin. Even YouTubers went crazy over our BEAR devices! And many more sought out to try out and compare FOREO BEAR with other microcurrent devices. But what about you?

Are you ready to take charge of the way you age?