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LUNA 3 review: What does a dermatologist say about it?

Dr. Costi is sharing his experiences with LUNA 3 Recently, I’ve discovered a new product, FOREO LUNA 3 facial cleansing massager. Not only does it drift from the traditional ways to wash your skin, but it includes several additional components, such as the firming facial massage and T-sonic pulsations. These features are all moderated from the FOREO application making it such a unique product and giving you the optimal result when washing your face. As a medical professional, I will be sharing with you some of the main features that made me fall in love with the device. 

Silicone Material 

[caption id="attachment_4961" align="aligncenter" width="805"]FOREO LUNA 2 silicone brush details cover The use of silicone is beneficial as it has a smooth texture, allowing it to be soft on the skin and preventing the development of allergies.[/caption] The first component is the use of silicone material instead of latex. This is the main component since a lot of people have allergies to latex, silicone is less prone to catch bacteria making the use of the device healthy and bacteria-free. Also, the use of silicone is beneficial as it has a smooth texture, allowing it to be soft on the skin and preventing the development of allergies. This allows your cleansing routine to be effective because it gets rid of all the impurities, excessive oils and dead cells in the pores

App control

  Lastly, LUNA 3 is connected to the FOREO application. The application is crucial to wash your skin correctly. The app triggers the button connected to the device which stimulates and sends an order to begin the feature selected - a firming massage or the T-sonic pulsations. It also allows you to control the duration of the face wash routine, as it shouldn’t exceed 1 minute to keep the routine efficient and prevent other skin problems from arising.  It also gives a lot of insight to ensure it is being applied the correct way to maintain healthy-looking skin and prevent early signs of aging

T-sonic pulsations

[caption id="attachment_6945" align="aligncenter" width="805"] The second feature is the T-sonic pulsations, this feature is very essential to clean the pores in a proper way[/caption] The second feature is the T-sonic pulsations, this feature is very essential to cleaning the pores in a proper way. It is used only for 60 seconds, not more, in order to keep the moisture in the skin and not to make it sensitive. Also, the pulsations help the dead cells move to the surface of your skin to get rid of the skin impurities. This reduces the likelihood of blackheads and whiteheads appearing when you wash your face the regular way, because it is hard to ensure we are getting rid of the pores, leading to the skin losing it’s glow. 

Firming Massage

[caption id="attachment_6221" align="aligncenter" width="805"]girl using FOREO massage treatment around eyes Once fresh & clean, flip your waterproof LUNA 3 for a firming massage channeling lower-frequency pulsations deeper into the skin for a lasting firming effect.[/caption] The third and one of the most amazing features I personally found in the LUNA 3 is the firming face massage. What makes this feature amazing, is that it not only relaxes the muscles, it also increases the blood and oxygen flow in your skin. Usually, people disregard massages and consider them a special treat, although it is something we should continuously include in our skincare regime to keep our skin tight and rejuvenated, and glowing. Using the massage feature loosens up the muscles of your face, reduces wrinkles, and eventually slows down the aging process.

My personal experiences

I’ve been using the LUNA 3 for more than 2 months now and the difference in my skin is really showing. The T-sonic pulsations really get the blood flowing in your skin and give you a deeper clean. After just a few uses I felt my skin appeared perkier, softer, and clearer.  I had an overall boost in my skincare and got better results from my daily moisturizers and creams after washing with the LUNA 3 smart facial massager If you are not using FOREO LUNA 3 I encourage you to start using it; it will guarantee that you’ve been washing your face in a proper way and that you’ve been applying the right features to maintain healthy, glowing, and younger-looking skin!

Get your LUNA now!

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